eytang8@yahoo.com caaaaarteeeer
eytang8@yahoo.com I miss you =(
westcalxvandy i miss you too
eytang8@yahoo.com Why weren't you at school?
eytang8@yahoo.com =(
westcalxvandy ssssiiiiicccccckk
eytang8@yahoo.com =(
eytang8@yahoo.com Get better
westcalxvandy trying
eytang8@yahoo.com try harder
westcalxvandy already overdosing on head medicine
eytang8@yahoo.com You wimp
eytang8@yahoo.com Take it like a man
westcalxvandy head = ow
eytang8@yahoo.com =(
westcalxvandy advil = less ow
eytang8@yahoo.com =)
westcalxvandy body temperature = zzzzzzoooooooooooooooommmmmmm
westcalxvandy what homework did I miss?
eytang8@yahoo.com Um
eytang8@yahoo.com Chem is still the worksheet
eytang8@yahoo.com due tomorrow
westcalxvandy is there a quiz tomorrow?
eytang8@yahoo.com yes
westcalxvandy bbbllleeehhhh
westcalxvandy math?
eytang8@yahoo.com And trig is more of the same limits
westcalxvandy homework wise?
eytang8@yahoo.com I have it written down
eytang8@yahoo.com p762
eytang8@yahoo.com 1-10
westcalxvandy mmmjoy
eytang8@yahoo.com How's your progress on the tanks winning?
westcalxvandy oh right
eytang8@yahoo.com I'm playing around a little with the idea
westcalxvandy and?
eytang8@yahoo.com doodling it out
eytang8@yahoo.com In Mortenson's, we listened to "We Didn't Start the Fire"
eytang8@yahoo.com and listed the various allusions we could find
eytang8@yahoo.com which was pretty much everything we could hear aside from the chorus
westcalxvandy fun
westcalxvandy http://images.publicradio.org/content/2008/08/01/20080801_praguespring_33.jpg
eytang8@yahoo.com You should try monochrome sillouhettes of this
westcalxvandy how about this?
westcalxvandy http://pagesperso-orange.fr/titi.nanou/images/prague.jpg
westcalxvandy going to go do things now
eytang8@yahoo.com 'k
westcalxvandy that chem ws
westcalxvandy due today
westcalxvandy did we get a new one?
eytang8@yahoo.com It's due tomorrow
eytang8@yahoo.com we didn't get a new one
westcalxvandy oh cool
westcalxvandy taaaannng
eytang8@yahoo.com ?
westcalxvandy can you explain to me when under the "lim" of limits there's a plus or negative charge next to the number what it means?
eytang8@yahoo.com Direction
eytang8@yahoo.com if it's a +
eytang8@yahoo.com it comes from the right
eytang8@yahoo.com otherwise, from the left
westcalxvandy <3 u
eytang8@yahoo.com meaning it approaches from a higher/lower number
eytang8@yahoo.com I have no clue how to do the newest stuff though
westcalxvandy why can it equal infinity?
eytang8@yahoo.com If the limit is infinity
eytang8@yahoo.com It means
eytang8@yahoo.com that there is no limit
eytang8@yahoo.com Alternatively, it can be negative infinity
westcalxvandy but when the limit is written under the "lim"
eytang8@yahoo.com The limit as the variable approaches infinity
eytang8@yahoo.com Plug in higher and higher numbers
westcalxvandy "lim (under) x -> 0+"
westcalxvandy I thought you plugged in zero
eytang8@yahoo.com Graph
eytang8@yahoo.com or figure out
westcalxvandy not sure how to do either
eytang8@yahoo.com as it approaches 0 from positive numbers
eytang8@yahoo.com Graph the equation
eytang8@yahoo.com on a calculator
eytang8@yahoo.com and watch what happens as it moves in from the right
eytang8@yahoo.com Or plug in numbers that slowly decrease from more than 0
eytang8@yahoo.com to 0
eytang8@yahoo.com like
eytang8@yahoo.com 1
eytang8@yahoo.com 0.5
eytang8@yahoo.com 0.05
eytang8@yahoo.com 0.02
eytang8@yahoo.com 0.01
eytang8@yahoo.com 0.001
eytang8@yahoo.com 0.0001
eytang8@yahoo.com And see what happens as it approaches 0
westcalxvandy the limit is y?
eytang8@yahoo.com The limit is whatever y can't hit
eytang8@yahoo.com but approaches
westcalxvandy mkay
westcalxvandy kinda get this again
westcalxvandy thx
eytang8@yahoo.com 1/x
eytang8@yahoo.com for example
eytang8@yahoo.com as x approaches 0 from the right
eytang8@yahoo.com 1/0.00001
eytang8@yahoo.com it becomes infinitely large
eytang8@yahoo.com If it approaches from the left...
eytang8@yahoo.com 1/-0.000001
eytang8@yahoo.com it approaches negative infinity
westcalxvandy thx
westcalxvandy get it